Hello everyone, I hope your New Years was spectacular! Now that the whole world has caught up and we are all definitely in 2014 (wait, what?! 2014!) I would like to share with you some of my New Years Resolutions.
1. The obvious for many of us, lose weight/tone up/healthier lifestyle. But, for myself personally it is a little more serious as I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's. As my energy and health have deteriorated I am realising how important our bodies are, we only have ONE! We need to treasure ourselves, be aware of what we expose ourselves too and take the time out to relax every so often - it's as easy as turning off the technology and sitting/walking to reflect.
2. Blog more; I have redesigned my blog and am excited to post more
3. Planning big for my YouTube channel. Having redesigned my logo for my blog and YouTube I have started editing new styles of videos due in the coming weeks, and I have a few collabs booked in on https://youtube.com/priscilladream
4. Study; I have been seriously looking into a lot of course's, I would love to get my brain ticking again. Maybe even extend on my degree? Ek!
5. I am currently looking into career options, I love my current job but I am becoming more career driven and gaining a little more direction in my life. Exciting things to come.
There are five of my resolutions I hope to achieve before 2015, share with me some of yours in the comments below :)
Jocelyn x