This is a PR friendly blog.
Everything you see here on Jocelyn Patricia is 100% authentic content written by myself, or a contributing author. Jocelyn Patricia holds great pride on production and it's features so please do not take our images or content without asking. Please email us for permission: jocelynwardle@outlook.com
Sometimes, brands will gift us complimentary products for review consideration and we mark these with an asterisk (*). We are open to reviewing companies products however this requires a trial period for products tested on myself or a contributing author prior to any post being written. We are under no obligation to review any product that is gifted, but we love working with companies we believe in. We require adequate time to test products for the most transparent review possible. All reviews will be unbiased and honest. All reviews will be emailed directly to the company in question before publication.
Jocelyn Patricia does not work with, or allow sponsorship, from brands we do not ourselves believe in. From time to time you might notice sponsored posts, this does not mean Jocelyn Patricia will not give 100% authentic feedback - we only work with companies we believe in, whose products we personally use (or would use) and their customer service is impeccable. All sponsorship and gifted items will be disclosed within the articles.
Some links within posts maybe affiliated links, and the ads you see on Jocelyn Patricia are affiliated ads. This means that Jocelyn Patricia receives a small (minuscule) percentage of money when those links are clicked on and something has been purchased. In the case of ads, once they are clicked (directly from this site) Jocelyn Patricia may receive a small percentage of money.
Please contact us for more information regarding this blog, collaborations or to discuss possible business opportunities jocelynwardle@outlook.com
If you ever feel as though we have not lived up to our guidelines please email us and we can discuss any problems which may have arisen.
We encourage all readers to comment, discuss posts, talk to each other, share their blogs/channels and add each other's social media (please be mindful of catfish, not everyone is who they say they are online. Be safe. Be careful. Be smart).
If you ever feel as though we have not lived up to our guidelines please email us and we can discuss any problems which may have arisen.
We encourage all readers to comment, discuss posts, talk to each other, share their blogs/channels and add each other's social media (please be mindful of catfish, not everyone is who they say they are online. Be safe. Be careful. Be smart).
If you are a brand and you would like to send a PR Sample to Jocelyn Patricia, please find our PO Box below. Please note we are affiliated with Jocelyn Patricia on YouTube (formerly Priscilla Dream), if you would like to contact us about PR sample or other resources please email jocelynwardle@outlook.com
Jocelyn Wardle
All recommendations are based on Jocelyn's, or our authors, own personal experiences. Skin types will be listed in each post. I highly recommend you do your own research on products. Many brands are happy for you to patch test their products prior to purchase, talk to your local sales representative or email the company directly.
This is a for profit blog. I only accept sponsors and promote businesses that I believe in.
For health and safety reasons, please always take a patch test before trying any new products, please consult the manufacturer or your doctor should you have any concerns. Jocelyn Patricia cannot be held responsible for any damage to person, product or other.