I thought I might continue on my Winter theme as it's the final month of Winter for Australia, and Winter is just around the corner for you Northerners! I feel sorry for those who don't like the cold up there. In Australia we get cold-ish nights and only a few weeks of proper cold Winter (really only in Tasmania and Victoria anyway, considering they're close to the South Pole!). Although 17 degrees does have me pulling out my woollens and thick socks.
I'm currently sitting inside on a Thursday night wearing shorts. Again, it's Winter! Who doesn't believe in Global Warming.
I was going to write about getting over the Winter blues, but as I mentioned in my Winter video I really don't get the Winter blues. Like everyone I have bad days, I get tired and sometimes I just want to spend an entire Sunday watching Keeping up with the Kardashians.. don't judge me. So, I'm not equipped to inspire you or to tell you something you don't already know. Get up, get out and exercise, see people, rug up, drink lots of water and keep up the Vitamins.
How come I don't get the blues is more the question. I smile, seriously. Smiling just makes everything feel okay. I don't exercise as much as I should, or eat as well as I should. I drink a lot of water though.
Music is also a huge part of my life. Sing. Even if you're horrible. Turn up your jam and belt a ballad. Lucky for me I spend over an hour in traffic on weekdays and travel to the coast most weekends so I have a lot of alone time to scream and shout at the open road. It's me and my iPod out there. The louder you sing the better you feel. Do the things you love, make time for them!
For the last few years it has felt like everything was going wrong for me. My health, my career, my study, relationships, my weight. It was all just too much for me and I literally hid out for three months at the beginning of this year and waited for the 'storm' to pass. In that time I learnt a lot about myself and the life I want to have. I have more clarity about what I want to do career wise, what I want in life and where I want to be. I also learnt that everything doesn't have to happen at once, or happen before I get 'too old'.
If you're under 25 and have your shit sorted then I envy you. I thought I had it all going for me and it only took one thing which put a spanner in the works - hopefully it doesn't happen to you!
I was constantly getting myself down saying "I haven't achieved enough", "I need to do more", "This isn't where I want to be." My sister +Ellen Bourne would reply with, "But look at what you HAVE achieved." Ask yourself that if you're ever in doubt of yourself or where you are at with life. I have been living by this mantra for the past seven months and I honestly think it's the reason I have so much clarity right now. I can look back on my blog, my YouTube, study notes, even photos and see how far I have come as I get closer to reaching my goals.
This was a bit of a random post. It might help you, or not, but if that is the case I am glad I wrote this. Maybe you might think twice if you start questioning your self worth, your accomplishments or your current situation. What have you achieved?
xo Jocelyn

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I'm currently sitting inside on a Thursday night wearing shorts. Again, it's Winter! Who doesn't believe in Global Warming.
I was going to write about getting over the Winter blues, but as I mentioned in my Winter video I really don't get the Winter blues. Like everyone I have bad days, I get tired and sometimes I just want to spend an entire Sunday watching Keeping up with the Kardashians.. don't judge me. So, I'm not equipped to inspire you or to tell you something you don't already know. Get up, get out and exercise, see people, rug up, drink lots of water and keep up the Vitamins.
How come I don't get the blues is more the question. I smile, seriously. Smiling just makes everything feel okay. I don't exercise as much as I should, or eat as well as I should. I drink a lot of water though.
Music is also a huge part of my life. Sing. Even if you're horrible. Turn up your jam and belt a ballad. Lucky for me I spend over an hour in traffic on weekdays and travel to the coast most weekends so I have a lot of alone time to scream and shout at the open road. It's me and my iPod out there. The louder you sing the better you feel. Do the things you love, make time for them!
For the last few years it has felt like everything was going wrong for me. My health, my career, my study, relationships, my weight. It was all just too much for me and I literally hid out for three months at the beginning of this year and waited for the 'storm' to pass. In that time I learnt a lot about myself and the life I want to have. I have more clarity about what I want to do career wise, what I want in life and where I want to be. I also learnt that everything doesn't have to happen at once, or happen before I get 'too old'.
If you're under 25 and have your shit sorted then I envy you. I thought I had it all going for me and it only took one thing which put a spanner in the works - hopefully it doesn't happen to you!
I was constantly getting myself down saying "I haven't achieved enough", "I need to do more", "This isn't where I want to be." My sister +Ellen Bourne would reply with, "But look at what you HAVE achieved." Ask yourself that if you're ever in doubt of yourself or where you are at with life. I have been living by this mantra for the past seven months and I honestly think it's the reason I have so much clarity right now. I can look back on my blog, my YouTube, study notes, even photos and see how far I have come as I get closer to reaching my goals.
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xo Jocelyn