
What Defines Sexy?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I have been watching Xfactor lately and the one singer who sent chills throughout my entire body was Alice. She came on the stage with such presence and grace, then she sang. Damn. That girl has the most beautiful voice. 


She explained how she was bullied for being overweight and music was her escape, I can fully relate. She has a great attitude towards life, smiles, created her own business and one of her life goals is to make others laugh. When did people start judging people for their appearance? When did we become a society who loved Marilyn Monroe who was a 'plus size', she had jiggly bits and was a sex icon.. now we are an airbrushed society who believes your size is apart of your personality and it has become a huge part of 'what matters'.

Marilyn looking fine. She's not overweight obviously but she is todays 'plus size'

I know people who believe if you're overweight you're lazy, you won't succeed, you don't exercise and so on. I will tell you I'm not the equivalent of a model but I wouldn't say I am lazy either. I am working on two youtube channels, studying yet again, I was in a management role but stepped down due to my health which isn't due to weight issues, I write a blog and I'm an Artist of many things. I'm not bragging, but you understand what I am saying though? It shouldn't be about our weight, if you're healthy that's fabulous because that is incredibly important! What it should be about is what you achieve in your life, your intellect, your health, how happy you are and how you feel and make others feel around you.

The weighty issues (sorry) goes the other way too, we are too quick to judge one another. I follow a few fitness instagram accounts and the comments from people about women pictured can be cruel. She's too skinny, I see ribs, she's too masculine, steroids much?
Why do we find a need to comment on peoples appearances. Does it give you a sense of happiness? Gratification? Are you that sad with yourself or just trolling for a laugh?

So, what defines sexy? It's how you hold yourself, the confidence within yourself and what I like to call 'Your Beyonce' to be a fierce bitch. I have been told some horrible things about my body at all different sizes ranging from a 10-16.. I came to the realisation no matter what size you are people are still going to be arseholes.

Apart from the messed up society values we have I believe we hold what defines us, it's what we believe about ourselves and it's our persona. It's what we bring to the table whether it be our intelligence our talents and/or our inspiration's. I honestly think that humans, all beings really, can sense or even see what we are feeling which makes it harder for a self conscious person to shine. Obviously there are douche bags who bully others and judge them for not fitting a perfected mold or whatever their reasoning to bully is, but that's their problem not yours - a mantra I have to tell myself weekly.

My advice is that if you want to wear a bikini on the beach or shorts in the summer then do it because we only live once (yolo? was this ever acceptable) because if that is what makes you happy then just do it!

xo Jocelyn
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