
You're Not Perfect, and that's fine.

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Where has this airbrushed perfectly primed persona come from?
Nobody is perfect, what is perfect?

Click me! Awesome article on Perfection and how it affects you and your productivity

We all get bad skin days, bloated, dehydrated, hangry, tired, stressed, mad, annoyed, sad, blazay, feel worthless, get hurt and more.. Which is all apart of being a human being. Obviously there are a lot of situations which no-one should have to go through or witness and I wish we lived in a world of fairies and unicorns, but we don't.

My issue today is about people who feel the need to be fake, not themselves and sometimes inhumane while they're pretending to be something else. I want everyone to look at themselves in the mirror, no makeup. Ask yourselves "who am I?" "what do I want?" "what will it gain me, and will it fulfill me?" " who am I hurting to get there?". Now tell yourself you're beautiful (you are beautiful, no matter what they say - Christina Aguilera anyone?), you love you and you will catch your dreams.

Sorry to go all preachy but I am seeing a lot of hate around the place lately. Bullies and shit people need a good reality check. I'm trying to build my own self esteem but feel like I am constantly being stepped on in all sorts of ways. LOVE AND LET LIVE!

Love you guys xx

xo Jocelyn

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