
How To Stick To Your Resolutions

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Think small, you want to lose some weight? Don't feel like you need to overhaul your entire diet and exercise regime (or lack there of) on the 1st. Take baby steps. Add more leafy greens and choose water over soda. Take the stairs instead of the lift, get off the bus a few stops early and walk to your destination. Make a goal to walk certain days of the week. Say, Monday I am going to walk 5kms after work, and stick to it.

Break down your resolutions and take steps to achieve them. Make it easier. No body is expected to become an entirely different person over night, that's impossible. 

One of my goals is to blog more, I downloaded the blogger iPhone app and when ever I think of a blog idea I write it down in either the app or in a notebook which my sister bought me for Christmas. So far so good.

Enjoy 2015! Make it your year. I have a good feeling about this year.

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